Feature • May 30, 2017
A chronicle told by the Bible, validated by archaeology
Article • July 7, 2023
A divine sentiment repeated several times in the Bible and also found in a peculiar 3,400-year-old correspondence—what could it mean?
Feature • April 1
Our take on the top discoveries in 2023
Article • November 13, 2018
Lessons Iran’s ayatollahs could learn from their ancestors
Article • June 22, 2017
‘That bitter and hasty nation’
Feature • February 28, 2023
The ancient Habiru battled their way through Canaan during the 14th century b.c.e. Who were these people?
Feature • January 1, 2022
Are we using the right metrics to judge the United Monarchy?
Feature • December 16, 2021
What history and archaeology tell us about the ancient world’s ‘red men’
Feature • January 14, 2022
When Professor Garfinkel and his team uncovered a large Davidic city at Khirbet Qeiyafa, they changed the narrative about ancient Israel’s greatest king.
Feature • November 29, 2017
A chronicle told by the Bible, validated by archaeology
Feature • July 21, 2017
A chronicle told by the Bible, corroborated by archaeology
Feature • January 9, 2022
A lesser-known story of the famous biblical personality—and some fascinating evidence behind it
Feature • June 14
In this second installment of our two-part series, we retrace the Israelites’ journey into the southern Sinai Peninsula—to Jabal Musa.