Article • March 26
Three successive articles in the Israel Exploration Journal take aim at the Mount Ebal ‘Curse Inscription.’ Do they provide the knockout blow?
Feature • April 30, 2023
Archaeology proves the famous biblical account of a desperate attempt to fortify the Holy City.
Article • May 3, 2019
Two of the oldest pieces of writing found in Jerusalem leave their mark on the archaeological and biblical worlds.
Feature • February 28, 2023
It wasn’t what Dr. Mazar uncovered that rankled scholarly critics—it was that her findings matched the biblical narrative.
Feature • October 31, 2022
Did King Solomon build the Ophel gatehouse?
Feature • January 14, 2022
Feature • July 1, 2022
The founding of the Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology is complete.
Article • July 3, 2021
How the late Dr. Eilat Mazar’s last-released discovery matches a first-century gift recorded in the Book of Matthew
Article • May 1
A new venture will allow the Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology to reach more of our friends in Israel.
Article • December 12, 2022
Ophel excavation yields only the third such coin ever found in Jerusalem.
Feature • November 16, 2022
Event featured speeches by Armstrong founder Gerald Flurry and Hebrew University Prof. Uzi Leibner.
Article • February 8, 2022
Feature • July 31, 2023
Article • September 4, 2009
As politicians seek to sign away chunks of Israeli territory, the stones cry out about Israel’s link to the land and testify of the Bible’s authenticity.
Article • November 8, 2020
50 years after we discovered the last ones
Feature • January 14, 2022
Feature • January 14, 2022
Feature • January 12, 2022
Take an online tour of our exhibit
Feature • January 1, 2022
How have we arrived at the point where many archaeologists consider using Bible history to be the relic of a past era of archaeological research?
Feature • January 12, 2022
Take an online tour of our exhibit in Armstrong Auditorium.