
Donating to the Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology

The Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology (AIBA) is a nonprofit academic and educational institution headquartered in Jerusalem, Israel. In addition to operating this website, publishing Let the Stones Speak, and conducting archaeological research, AIBA sponsors archaeological excavations and projects in Jerusalem. AIBA does not solicit financial donations and there is no pressure or obligation to pay for our products or services. However, some have asked how they can donate to our various archaeological activities.

Here’s how you can make a contribution.


Checks should be payable to the Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology and sent to:

Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology
P.O. Box 3700
Edmond, OK 73083 USA


Checks should be payable to the Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology and sent to:

Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology
David Marcus 1
Jerusalem 9223101

Thank you for your generous support!