Finding the Hittites
How a lost empire confirms biblical history
Are Biblical Hittites in Canaan Anachronistic?
Hittites in second millennium b.c.e. Anatolia there were—but Hittites in second millennium b.c.e. Canaan?
From the Editor
Exhibit: ‘Kingdom of David and Solomon Discovered’
A world premiere exhibit presented by the Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology, from Feb. 25, 2024, to Jan. 31, 2025
Has the Seal Impression of Eliakim, Son of Hilkiah, Been Discovered?
A discovery that brings to life one of the most prominent historical personalities related to King Hezekiah
Can We Trust the Book of Daniel?
Was the book of Daniel written before or after the incredible events it claims to have prophesied?
Psalms of the Fugitive
Harmonizing biblical poetry and history to understand David’s time on the run