The Ishmael Papyrus, a Silver Shekel and a Fully Stocked 3,300-Year-Old Tomb

Protecting antiquities from looters and illicit markets continues to be a problem in Israel. Yet in the past week, Israel has announced the repatriation of two key discoveries: a First Temple-period papyrus and a silver shekel from the fourth year of the Great Revolt.

On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal discusses the significance of the finds, featuring an interview with expert epigrapher Prof. Shmuel Ahituv. He also discusses the once-in-a-lifetime discovery made this week of a fully loaded, 3,300-year-old tomb on the coast of Israel.

Let the Stones Speak

Show Notes

The (Re)discovery of the Ishmael Papyrus—One of Only Three Known First Temple-Period Papyri

A Real Indiana Jones Moment: Untouched 3,300-Year-Old Tomb Discovered in Israel