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Let the Stones Speak

Let the Stones Speak brings you archaeology from a biblical perspective. Host Brent Nagtegaal is on location in Jerusalem to give you the most important developments happening on the ground—and emerging from beneath it. Nagtegaal is a contributor for

On today’s podcast, host Brent Nagtegaal talks to Professor Ben-Yosef about how the copper production site in Timna—as well as the wider Aravah Valley area—could have contributed to the power and wealth of the kingdom of David and Solomon, as well as the Edomites.
This amazing discovery was made on one of the final days of the Ophel excavation in Jerusalem. On this program, host Brent Nagtegaal speaks with dig codirector Dr. Orit Peleg-Barkat, one of the world’s foremost experts on Second Temple Period architecture, about the ornate ceiling panel.
AIBA’s Christopher Eames presents the first full accounting of Jerusalem inscriptions from the Iron ii period at the distinguished “Epigraphy in Judah” conference in Jerusalem.
On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal interviews the lead author of the paper, archaeologist Dr. Scott Stripling, about the discovery and its final publication.
Interview with excavation director Prof. Uzi Leibner
A journey through one of the most important sites in biblical archaeology
On today’s program, host Brent Nagtegaal talks about how an honest archaeological mistake led to an all-too-wonderful discovery. Then he discusses how the famous Persian king was critical in the construction of the second temple in Jerusalem.
A somewhat belated discussion about another amazing year of discovery
We talk with the City of David Foundation’s Ze’ev Orenstein about an excavation two decades in the making.